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In this section, the term 'bytes' is used to refer to a type representing a sequence of bytes, such as Buffer in Node.js and ByteBuffer in Java/Kotlin.


An object that represents the encoded bytes on a single datagram.

ZAPP(Zap Protocol) is network protocol defined on the top of UDP datagram for client and server to exchange 'Zapable' data. For more information about the protocol, read ZAPP page.

type signature description
property header: ZappHeader A header part.
property payload: ZappPayload A payload part.
function toBytes(): bytes Encode ZappObject to bytes. The sequence of bytes is MUST encoded as ZAPP Object.
static function from(b: bytes): ZappObject Decode the given bytes in received datagram to ZapObject.
b: A sequence of bytes to convert that MUST be encoded as ZAPP Object.


type signature description
property timestamp: 64_bit_uint An epoch time in milliseconds for creation time of ZappObject. (default: Current epoch)
property resource: ZapResource A resource type of the payload. It indicates a format of payload.
function writeTo(b: bytes): bytes Write ZappHeader to given b and return it. The given b MUST be encoded as ZAPP Header.
static function from(b: bytes): ZappHeader Read bytes from the given b and decode it to ZappHeader.


A typealias for bytes.

interface Zapable

An interface for data exchange through Zap. Data objects exchanged via Zap MUST implement this interface. If an object can be transmitted through Zap, it can be referred to as "Zapable".

type signature description
property resource: ZapResource A resource type of the object.
function toPayload(): ZappPayload Encode Zapable to ZappPayload and return it.
static function from(payload: ZappPayload): Zapable Decode and return Zapable object from ZappPayload. If possible, it is RECOMMENDED to separate it into interface DeZapable to enforce implementation.
payload: A payload to decode to Zapable object.